• Tabs标签页
    • 何时使用
    • 单独引入此组件
    • 代码演示
    • API
      • nz-tabsetcomponent
      • nz-tabcomponent
      • [nz-tab]directive
      • [nz-tab-link]directive
      • 路由联动





    Ant Design 依次提供了三级选项卡,分别用于不同的场景。

    • 卡片式的页签,提供可关闭的样式,常用于容器顶部。
    • 标准线条式页签,用于容器内部的主功能切换,这是最常用的 Tabs。
    • RadioButton 可作为更次级的页签来使用。



    1. import { NzTabsModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tabs';


    Tabs标签页 - 图1



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-basic',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-tabset>
    6. <nz-tab nzTitle="Tab 1">
    7. Content of Tab Pane 1
    8. </nz-tab>
    9. <nz-tab nzTitle="Tab 2">
    10. Content of Tab Pane 2
    11. </nz-tab>
    12. <nz-tab nzTitle="Tab 3">
    13. Content of Tab Pane 3
    14. </nz-tab>
    15. </nz-tabset>
    16. `
    17. })
    18. export class NzDemoTabsBasicComponent {}

    Tabs标签页 - 图2



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-disabled',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-tabset>
    6. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="tab.name" [nzDisabled]="tab.disabled">
    7. {{ tab.name }}
    8. </nz-tab>
    9. </nz-tabset>
    10. `
    11. })
    12. export class NzDemoTabsDisabledComponent {
    13. tabs = [
    14. {
    15. name: 'Tab 1',
    16. disabled: false
    17. },
    18. {
    19. name: 'Tab 2',
    20. disabled: true
    21. },
    22. {
    23. name: 'Tab 3',
    24. disabled: false
    25. }
    26. ];
    27. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图3



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-icon',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-tabset>
    6. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="titleTemplate">
    7. <ng-template #titleTemplate> <i nz-icon [nzType]="tab.icon"></i>{{ tab.name }} </ng-template>
    8. {{ tab.name }}
    9. </nz-tab>
    10. </nz-tabset>
    11. `
    12. })
    13. export class NzDemoTabsIconComponent {
    14. tabs = [
    15. {
    16. active: true,
    17. name: 'Tab 1',
    18. icon: 'apple'
    19. },
    20. {
    21. active: false,
    22. name: 'Tab 2',
    23. icon: 'android'
    24. }
    25. ];
    26. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图4



    1. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-slide',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-radio-group [(ngModel)]="nzTabPosition">
    6. <label nz-radio-button [nzValue]="'top'">Horizontal</label>
    7. <label nz-radio-button [nzValue]="'left'">Vertical</label>
    8. </nz-radio-group>
    9. <nz-input-number style="float:right;" [nzMin]="0" [nzMax]="10" [(ngModel)]="selectedIndex"></nz-input-number>
    10. <nz-tabset
    11. style="height:220px;"
    12. [nzTabPosition]="nzTabPosition"
    13. [(nzSelectedIndex)]="selectedIndex"
    14. (nzSelectChange)="log([$event])"
    15. >
    16. <nz-tab
    17. *ngFor="let tab of tabs"
    18. [nzTitle]="tab.name"
    19. (nzSelect)="log(['select', tab])"
    20. (nzClick)="log(['click', tab])"
    21. (nzDeselect)="log(['deselect', tab])"
    22. >
    23. {{ tab.content }}
    24. </nz-tab>
    25. </nz-tabset>
    26. `
    27. })
    28. export class NzDemoTabsSlideComponent implements OnInit {
    29. tabs: any[] = [];
    30. nzTabPosition = 'top';
    31. selectedIndex = 0;
    32. /* tslint:disable-next-line:no-any */
    33. log(args: any[]): void {
    34. console.log(args);
    35. }
    36. ngOnInit(): void {
    37. for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
    38. this.tabs.push({
    39. name: `Tab ${i}`,
    40. content: `Content of tab ${i}`
    41. });
    42. }
    43. }
    44. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图5



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-extra',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-tabset [nzTabBarExtraContent]="extraTemplate">
    6. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="'Tab ' + tab"> Content of tab {{ tab }} </nz-tab>
    7. </nz-tabset>
    8. <ng-template #extraTemplate>
    9. <button nz-button>Extra Action</button>
    10. </ng-template>
    11. `
    12. })
    13. export class NzDemoTabsExtraComponent {
    14. tabs = [1, 2, 3];
    15. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图6



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-size',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-radio-group [(ngModel)]="size">
    6. <label nz-radio-button nzValue="small"><span>Small</span></label>
    7. <label nz-radio-button nzValue="default"><span>Default</span></label>
    8. <label nz-radio-button nzValue="large"><span>Large</span></label>
    9. </nz-radio-group>
    10. <nz-tabset [nzSize]="size">
    11. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="'Tab ' + tab"> Content of tab {{ tab }} </nz-tab>
    12. </nz-tabset>
    13. `
    14. })
    15. export class NzDemoTabsSizeComponent {
    16. size = 'small';
    17. tabs = [1, 2, 3];
    18. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图7



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-position',
    4. template: `
    5. <div style="margin-bottom: 16px;">
    6. Tab position:
    7. <nz-select [(ngModel)]="position" style="width: 80px;">
    8. <nz-option *ngFor="let option of options" [nzLabel]="option.label" [nzValue]="option.value"> </nz-option>
    9. </nz-select>
    10. </div>
    11. <nz-tabset [nzTabPosition]="position" [nzType]="'line'">
    12. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="'Tab ' + tab"> Content of tab {{ tab }} </nz-tab>
    13. </nz-tabset>
    14. `
    15. })
    16. export class NzDemoTabsPositionComponent {
    17. position = 'top';
    18. tabs = [1, 2, 3];
    19. options = [
    20. { value: 'top', label: 'top' },
    21. { value: 'left', label: 'left' },
    22. { value: 'right', label: 'right' },
    23. { value: 'bottom', label: 'bottom' }
    24. ];
    25. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图8



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-card',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-tabset [nzTabPosition]="'top'" [nzType]="'card'">
    6. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="'Tab' + tab"> Content of Tab Pane {{ tab }} </nz-tab>
    7. </nz-tabset>
    8. `
    9. })
    10. export class NzDemoTabsCardComponent {
    11. tabs = [1, 2, 3];
    12. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图9



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-editable-card',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-tabset [nzType]="'card'" [nzTabBarExtraContent]="extraTemplate">
    6. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="titleTemplate">
    7. <ng-template #titleTemplate>
    8. <div>
    9. {{ tab }}
    10. <i nz-icon nzType="close" (click)="closeTab(tab)" class="ant-tabs-close-x"></i>
    11. </div>
    12. </ng-template>
    13. Content of {{ tab }}
    14. </nz-tab>
    15. </nz-tabset>
    16. <ng-template #extraTemplate>
    17. <i class="ant-tabs-new-tab" nz-icon nzType="plus" (click)="newTab()"></i>
    18. </ng-template>
    19. `
    20. })
    21. export class NzDemoTabsEditableCardComponent {
    22. tabs = ['Tab 1', 'Tab 2'];
    23. closeTab(tab: string): void {
    24. this.tabs.splice(this.tabs.indexOf(tab), 1);
    25. }
    26. newTab(): void {
    27. this.tabs.push('New Tab');
    28. }
    29. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图10



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-card-top',
    4. template: `
    5. <div class="card-container">
    6. <nz-tabset [nzTabPosition]="'top'" [nzType]="'card'">
    7. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="'Tab Title ' + tab">
    8. <p>Content of Tab Pane {{ tab }}</p>
    9. <p>Content of Tab Pane {{ tab }}</p>
    10. <p>Content of Tab Pane {{ tab }}</p>
    11. </nz-tab>
    12. </nz-tabset>
    13. </div>
    14. `,
    15. styles: [
    16. `
    17. :host {
    18. background: #f5f5f5;
    19. overflow: hidden;
    20. padding: 24px;
    21. display: block;
    22. }
    23. .card-container ::ng-deep .ant-tabs-card .ant-tabs-content {
    24. height: 120px;
    25. margin-top: -16px;
    26. }
    27. .card-container ::ng-deep .ant-tabs-card .ant-tabs-content .ant-tabs-tabpane {
    28. background: #fff;
    29. padding: 16px;
    30. }
    31. .card-container ::ng-deep .ant-tabs-card .ant-tabs-bar {
    32. border-color: #fff;
    33. }
    34. .card-container ::ng-deep .ant-tabs-card .ant-tabs-bar .ant-tabs-tab {
    35. border-color: transparent;
    36. background: transparent;
    37. }
    38. .card-container ::ng-deep .ant-tabs-card .ant-tabs-bar .ant-tabs-tab-active {
    39. border-color: #fff;
    40. background: #fff;
    41. }
    42. `
    43. ]
    44. })
    45. export class NzDemoTabsCardTopComponent {
    46. tabs = [1, 2, 3];
    47. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图11



    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-custom-add-trigger',
    4. template: `
    5. <div style="margin-bottom: 16px;">
    6. <button nz-button (click)="newTab()">ADD</button>
    7. </div>
    8. <nz-tabset [nzType]="'card'" [nzSelectedIndex]="index">
    9. <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="titleTemplate">
    10. <ng-template #titleTemplate>
    11. <div>{{ tab }}<i nz-icon nzType="close" class="ant-tabs-close-x" (click)="closeTab(tab)"></i></div>
    12. </ng-template>
    13. Content of {{ tab }}
    14. </nz-tab>
    15. </nz-tabset>
    16. `
    17. })
    18. export class NzDemoTabsCustomAddTriggerComponent {
    19. index = 0;
    20. tabs = ['Tab 1', 'Tab 2'];
    21. closeTab(tab: string): void {
    22. this.tabs.splice(this.tabs.indexOf(tab), 1);
    23. }
    24. newTab(): void {
    25. this.tabs.push('New Tab');
    26. this.index = this.tabs.length - 1;
    27. }
    28. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图12


    默认情况下,nz-tab 中的组件会进行预加载,如果希望当 Tab 被激活时再加载组件,可以使用该示例中的懒加载方式。

    1. /* entryComponents: NzDemoTabContentLazyComponent,NzDemoTabContentEagerlyComponent */
    2. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    3. @Component({
    4. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-lazy',
    5. template: `
    6. <nz-tabset>
    7. <nz-tab nzTitle="Tab Eagerly 1">
    8. <nz-demo-tab-content-eagerly></nz-demo-tab-content-eagerly>
    9. </nz-tab>
    10. <nz-tab nzTitle="Tab Eagerly 2">
    11. <nz-demo-tab-content-eagerly></nz-demo-tab-content-eagerly>
    12. </nz-tab>
    13. <nz-tab nzTitle="Tab Lazy 1">
    14. <ng-template nz-tab>
    15. <nz-demo-tab-content-lazy></nz-demo-tab-content-lazy>
    16. </ng-template>
    17. </nz-tab>
    18. <nz-tab nzTitle="Tab Lazy 2">
    19. <ng-template nz-tab>
    20. <nz-demo-tab-content-lazy></nz-demo-tab-content-lazy>
    21. </ng-template>
    22. </nz-tab>
    23. </nz-tabset>
    24. `
    25. })
    26. export class NzDemoTabsLazyComponent {}
    27. @Component({
    28. selector: 'nz-demo-tab-content-lazy',
    29. template: `
    30. lazy
    31. `
    32. })
    33. export class NzDemoTabContentLazyComponent implements OnInit {
    34. ngOnInit(): void {
    35. console.log(`I will init when tab active`);
    36. }
    37. }
    38. @Component({
    39. selector: 'nz-demo-tab-content-eagerly',
    40. template: `
    41. eagerly
    42. `
    43. })
    44. export class NzDemoTabContentEagerlyComponent implements OnInit {
    45. ngOnInit(): void {
    46. console.log(`I will init eagerly`);
    47. }
    48. }

    Tabs标签页 - 图13


    与路由联动,点击 tab 更改路由,并且在路由改变时自动切换 tab。

    1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    2. @Component({
    3. selector: 'nz-demo-tabs-link-router',
    4. template: `
    5. <nz-tabset nzLinkRouter>
    6. <nz-tab>
    7. <a nz-tab-link [routerLink]="['.']" [queryParams]="{ tab: 'one' }" queryParamsHandling="merge">Default</a>
    8. Default.
    9. </nz-tab>
    10. <nz-tab>
    11. <a nz-tab-link [routerLink]="['.']" [queryParams]="{ tab: 'two' }" queryParamsHandling="merge">Two</a>
    12. Two.
    13. </nz-tab>
    14. <nz-tab>
    15. <a nz-tab-link [routerLink]="['.']" [queryParams]="{ tab: 'three' }" queryParamsHandling="merge">Three</a>
    16. Three.
    17. </nz-tab>
    18. <nz-tab>
    19. <a nz-tab-link [routerLink]="['.']" [queryParams]="{ tab: 'four' }" queryParamsHandling="merge">Four</a>
    20. Four.
    21. </nz-tab>
    22. </nz-tabset>
    23. `
    24. })
    25. export class NzDemoTabsLinkRouterComponent {}



    [nzSelectedIndex]当前激活 tab 面板的 序列号,可双向绑定number-
    [nzAnimated]是否使用动画切换 Tabs,在 nzTabPosition=top | bottom 时有效boolean | {inkBar:boolean, tabPane:boolean}true, 当 type="card" 时为 false
    [nzSize]大小,提供 largedefaultsmall 三种大小'large' | 'small' | 'default''default'
    [nzTabBarExtraContent]tab bar 上额外的元素TemplateRef<void>-
    [nzTabBarStyle]tab bar 的样式对象object-
    [nzTabPosition]页签位置,可选值有 toprightbottomleft'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left''top'
    [nzType]页签的基本样式,可选 linecard 类型'line' | 'card''line'
    [nzTabBarGutter]tabs 之间的间隙number-
    [nzLinkRouter]与 Angular 路由联动booleanfalse
    (nzSelectedIndexChange)当前激活 tab 面板的 序列号变更回调函数EventEmitter<number>-
    (nzSelectChange)当前激活 tab 面板变更回调函数EventEmitter<{nzSelectedIndex: number,tab: NzTabComponent}>-
    (nzOnNextClick)next 按钮被点击的回调EventEmitter<void>-
    (nzOnPrevClick)prev 按钮被点击的回调EventEmitter<void>-


    [nzTitle]选项卡头显示文字string | TemplateRef<void>-
    [nzForceRender]被隐藏时是否渲染 DOM 结构booleanfalse


    ng-template 一同使用,用于标记需要懒加载的 tab 内容,具体用法见示例。



    路由联动可以让 tab 的切换和路由行为相一致。使用此功能时,title 必须通过 nz-tab-link 组件指定。