- asp DEMO
asp DEMO
response.contenttype = "text/html;charset=utf-8"
method = "POST"
mobile = Server.URLEncode("xxxxxxxxxxx")
apikey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
text ="【云片网】您的验证码是1234"
tpl_id = 1
tpl_value = Server.URLEncode("#code#=1234&#company#=云片网")
url_get_user = "https://sms.yunpian.com/v2/user/get.json"
url_send_sms = "https://sms.yunpian.com/v2/sms/single_send.json"
url_tpl_sms = "https://sms.yunpian.com/v2/sms/tpl_single_send.json"
url_send_voice = "https://voice.yunpian.com/v2/voice/send.json"
data_get_user = "apikey=" & apikey
data_send_sms = "apikey=" & apikey & "&mobile=" & mobile & "&text=" & text
data_tpl_sms = "apikey=" & apikey & "&mobile=" & mobile & "&tpl_id=" & tpl_id &_
"&tpl_value=" & tpl_value
data_send_voice = "apikey=" & apikey & "&mobile=" & mobile & "&code=" & "1234"
response.write GetBody(url_get_user,data_get_user)
response.write GetBody(url_send_sms,data_send_sms)
response.write GetBody(url_tpl_sms,data_tpl_sms)
response.write GetBody(url_send_voice,data_send_voice)
Function GetBody(url,data)
Set https = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
With https
.Open method, url, False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
.Send data
GetBody= .ResponseBody
End With
GetBody = bytetostr(https.ResponseBody,"utf-8")
Set https = Nothing
End Function
function bytetostr(vin,cset)
dim bs,sr
set bs = server.createObject("adodb.stream")
bs.type = 2
bs.writetext vin
bs.position = 0
bs.charset = cset
bs.position = 2
sr = bs.readtext
set bs = nothing
bytetostr = sr
end function